„საქართველოს ერთობისა და განვითარების პარტია“ - 0.19%
კოალიცია ცვლილებისთვის გვარამია მელია გირჩი დროა - 11.035%
„ერთიანობა-ნაციონალური მოძრაობა“ - 10.167%
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„გახარია საქართველოსთვის“ - 7.768%
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ქართველ ერთობა - 0.217%
„გირჩი“ - 3.002%
ქართული ოცნება - 53.931%

Ruling team says GD wins elections

The government officials congratulate Georgian citizens on winning the elections, saying today’s victory belongs to them.

The remarks came after three Georgian television channels, Imedi, Mtavari Arkhi and Formula have published exit polls.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili thanked the citizen for their trust. The Prime Minister addressed political opponents, saying that “the era of polarization, hatred and lies is over, while the era of peace, development and stability begins tomorrow.”

The ruling Georgian Dream Chair Irakli Kobakhidze and Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze also join congratulations, noting that today’s election “paved the way to progress.”

Kakha Kaladze said, “the Georgian society once again gave a worthy response to the political forces longing for revenge and threatening the state with unrest.”

Irakli Kobakhidze added that “We have already won for the eighth time in a row and great victories are still ahead.”

Will you cast your vote?