PMMG to publish election observation preliminary assessment
Public Movement Multinational Georgia (PMMG) published the preliminary assessment of election observation of the October 2 local elections in Georgia.
Within the frame of the elections monitoring program, PMMG has conducted the monitoring of 2021 Local Self-Government Elections Day covering 240 electoral precincts (EPs) in 21 electoral districts (EDs) with the compact settlement of ethnic minorities. The program was implemented by 327 short term observers (STOs).
The organization completely covered 31 EPs in Krtsanisi ED in where the elections were conducted with the application of electronic technologies.
In those 21 EDs where the PMMG monitored the Elections Day, the Local Self-Government Elections were held in a calm environment, except for the number of EPs in Marneuli ED in where the substantial electoral violations have been revealed.
On Election Day, PMMG observers filed 10 complaints to the election commissions. All 10 complaints have been moved to the respective DECs.
In most cases, PEC members took into account the remarks made by PMMG observers and consequently used to remove the identified shortcomings. As a result, PMMG observers were not filing complaints to those PECs.
PMMG said the local elections at 21 precincts, where it had the observers, were held in a peaceful environment.