„საქართველოს ერთობისა და განვითარების პარტია“ - 0.19%
კოალიცია ცვლილებისთვის გვარამია მელია გირჩი დროა - 11.035%
„ერთიანობა-ნაციონალური მოძრაობა“ - 10.167%
„ევროპელი დემოკრატები“ - 0.384%
„საქართველოს პატრიოტთა ალიანსი“ - 2.436%
„ძლიერი საქართველო-ლელო, ხალხისთვის, თავისუფლებისთვის!“ - 8.81%
საქართველოს ლეიბორისტული პარტია - 0.727%
„ჩვენი გაერთიანებული საქართველო“ - 0.089%
„შეცვალე საქართველო“ - 0.603%
„საქართველო“ - 0.134%
თავისუფალი საქართველო - 0.2%
ტრიბუნა - 0.12%
„ჩვენ“ - 0.125%
„გახარია საქართველოსთვის“ - 7.768%
„მემარცხენე ალიანსი“ - 0.063%
ქართველ ერთობა - 0.217%
„გირჩი“ - 3.002%
ქართული ოცნება - 53.931%

Lado Bozhadze calls on citizens to vote, confident of GD’s victory

“I want to ask everyone to cast their votes and remind everyone that the Georgian Dream will win for sure. Tbilisi will win again,” Lado Bozhadze, a representative of the Georgian Dream, stated during the political debate between the ten parties on GPB First Channel.

According to Lado Bozhadze, the Georgian Dream has been fighting for stable development and the Euro-Atlantic choice of the country for years.

“It is a great honour for me to be a member of the Georgian Dream and Kakha Kaladze’s team. I salute Georgia, our Tbilisians, and millions of the Georgian Dream’s supporters, who have been faithfully fighting for the stable development of our country and Euro-Atlantic choice for years. Here we remind the viewers that we are talking about self-government elections today. We are talking about the problems that our population faces in cities, villages, towns. I will have an opportunity today to report on what the Georgian Dream has done and what we are going to do in the next four years, both in the capital and in the regions. I want to ask everyone to cast their votes and remind everyone that the Georgian Dream will definitely win and Tbilisi will win again,” Lado Bozhadze said.

GPB First Channel hosts debates of representatives of qualified electoral candidates today. Ten parties are partaking: Third Force, European Georgia – Movement for Liberty, United National Movement, European Democrats, Aleko Elisashvili – Citizens, David Tarkhan-Mouravi, Irma Inashvili – Alliance of Patriots of Georgia, Lelo, Shalva Natelashvili – Georgian Labor Party, Girchi, Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia.

All registered Tbilisi mayoral candidates will debate on GPB First Channel on September 21, 2021.

Will you cast your vote?