„საქართველოს ერთობისა და განვითარების პარტია“ - 0.19%
კოალიცია ცვლილებისთვის გვარამია მელია გირჩი დროა - 11.035%
„ერთიანობა-ნაციონალური მოძრაობა“ - 10.167%
„ევროპელი დემოკრატები“ - 0.384%
„საქართველოს პატრიოტთა ალიანსი“ - 2.436%
„ძლიერი საქართველო-ლელო, ხალხისთვის, თავისუფლებისთვის!“ - 8.81%
საქართველოს ლეიბორისტული პარტია - 0.727%
„ჩვენი გაერთიანებული საქართველო“ - 0.089%
„შეცვალე საქართველო“ - 0.603%
„საქართველო“ - 0.134%
თავისუფალი საქართველო - 0.2%
ტრიბუნა - 0.12%
„ჩვენ“ - 0.125%
„გახარია საქართველოსთვის“ - 7.768%
„მემარცხენე ალიანსი“ - 0.063%
ქართველ ერთობა - 0.217%
„გირჩი“ - 3.002%
ქართული ოცნება - 53.931%

Labor Party to never pour Tbilisi and citizens’ lungs with concrete, never plundered Georgia

“The Labor Party is the only party that has neither poured Tbilisi and our lungs with concrete nor plundered the country,” Lasha Chkhartishvili, a representative of the Shalva Natelashvili – Georgian Labor Party, stated live on GPB First Channel’s program Debates 2021.

“Recently, the Labor Party is the only political party that has not been in power and has done nothing wrong for Tbilisi. It has not poured the city and people’s lungs with concrete; it has not plundered the country in Chiatura way, which is a symbol of plundering, where Ivanishvili outdid everybody,” Chkhartishvili said.

According to him, the Labor Party managed to achieve victories even being in opposition.

“For example, we can recall ambulance service that still is free for population, reduced tariffs and much more,” Chkhartishvili said.

Chkhartishvili noted that large businesses, including its representatives in the debates, were complicit in the crimes of all the authorities.

“Large business was killing small businesses, while small businesses employ more people than the large ones, which is a well-known fact. Therefore, our priority is ordinary people, employees, small entrepreneurs,” said Lasha Chkhartishvili.

GPB First Channel hosts debates of representatives of qualified electoral candidates today. Ten parties are partaking: Third Force, European Georgia – Movement for Liberty, United National Movement, European Democrats, Aleko Elisashvili – Citizens, David Tarkhan-Mouravi, Irma Inashvili – Alliance of Patriots of Georgia, Lelo, Shalva Natelashvili – Georgian Labor Party, Girchi, Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia.

All registered Tbilisi mayoral candidates will debate on GPB First Channel on September 21, 2021.

Will you cast your vote?