„საქართველოს ერთობისა და განვითარების პარტია“ - 0.19%
კოალიცია ცვლილებისთვის გვარამია მელია გირჩი დროა - 11.035%
„ერთიანობა-ნაციონალური მოძრაობა“ - 10.167%
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ტრიბუნა - 0.12%
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„მემარცხენე ალიანსი“ - 0.063%
ქართველ ერთობა - 0.217%
„გირჩი“ - 3.002%
ქართული ოცნება - 53.931%

CEC’s reacts to partially drawn up summary protocol

The Central Election Commission (CEC) says summary protocol at the N124 election precinct of Kutaisi District Election Commission (DEC) was partially drawn up and signed by the 14 members of the election precincts, including the members appointed by the different political parties.

The photo of the summary protocol was spread on social media, as well as in various media outlets.

The Election Administration vows to respond to similar misconducts “appropriately.”

“The mentioned represents the misconduct, and the Kutaisi election district will have a relevant response. The summary protocol will be destroyed and the election precinct will be provided with the new one. The DEC will examine the case of signing the summary protocols by the PEC members in advance,” the CEC stated.

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